Minggu, 27 November 2016


Grade 1-3-Cows Minnie and Moo are back in this hilarious spoof. Moo has been thinking again, this time about the olden days when heroes like Zorro ruled the land. She enlists Minnie in her cause to save the world and the two dress up as masked men. Their weapons of choice are a sword with a tube of lipstick taped to the end and a can of aerosol deodorant spray, hence the 'musk' of Zorro. The mishaps that follow include attacking an innocent rooster and the farmer's underwear on the clothesline. Unfortunately, in the second case, their attempted signs of the 'Z' come out as 'P' and 'U,' and the puzzled farmer and his wife are left pondering the source and meaning of this affront. Cazet's entertaining and endearing story is a fine addition to the series. The lively pencil-and-watercolor illustrations enhance the humorous text. A rollicking good time.Meghan R. Malone, Turner Free Library, Randolph, MA Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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